Do not compare to others

When you compare to others you feel small, because you see what you don't have, and you see the others and want what they have, or feel bad and wish that they didn't have those things or that life, and don't misunderstand me, is great to want to grow, is great to want more, but in order to be more, not less. But when you do it from the window of the jealousy and for a bad thing, instead of growing you'll be smaller, remember that we all have different paths, different lifestyles, different ambitions, so we shouldn't compare our life to others.
What we should do, is to imagine what we want, make clear intentions, and then try to make them real, but these intentions should be about our own life, what we desire, our passions, not things that won't make us grow. We have to find our path to happiness, and we have to be responsible of our own actions, so we can find love and happiness.
The last thing that I told you to do, to be responsible is really important, because when we are, we find the true meaning of life, when we do it, we are connected to anything, but at the same time to everything. We'll be able to feel that we all, are one, plants, animals, humans, we are the same in a different way.

And a thing we must remember is to never lost our true selves, and if we lose that, we have to find our way back to our center, to what we are, to our home, to what we are; and maybe we haven't find it, but... how do we find it? Just let your mind rest, and remember to listen, because when you truly listen, the truths and the real world is just in front of us, just stop focusing about what you want or desire, and start listening to your heart, mind, soul and body what do you need, what is that you truly want, your passion and your love. And if you do it, you'll notice the difference between happiness and stress, between what is lost, and between what you are.

Be grateful for what you have, and be grateful for what others have, because if they're happy, that's what they deserve, everyone deserve to be happy. So do you.

I hope that my thoughts sound in your soul, and that you remember that wherever you go.

(Images goes to respective owners)


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