About me and this blog

About me and this blog:

Hello, I hope you enjoy everything I post. I decided to do a blog because I love to write and I think is a really good thing to do and spend time on.
Some times you'll see that I post some poems, other times critics about an author or books, or maybe a  movie, or perhaps I'll talk about my experiences as a ballerina, a teacher, a student...
So a really hope you like it, please suscribe if you identify with something, or if you want to read things about this.

Now 10 things about me:

  1. I want to be a ballet teacher  and I want to open a ballet school with the RAD sistem.
  2. I love to read.
  3. I love to learn. 
  4. I love learning new languages.
  5. I love music.
  6. And because I love the music I'm learning to play the piano, and I want to play the violin.
  7. I want to be vegan.
  8. I want to volunteer as a ballet teacher in some communities that doesn't have access to that.
  9. I love the superheroes, my favorites are from Marvel: Iron man, Spider man, and my favorite villain is from DC comics and is the Joker.
  10. I really want to be a mother and wife.

(the images goes to their respective owners)


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